When you do it right, drop servicing can be a very profitable—and very rewarding—business model. It allows you to manage a team behind the scenes to deliver services to your clients, without having to get your hands dirty on execution details.

Whether or not you realize it, we’re surrounded by drop servicing on large and small scales. Here are a few common examples:

  • You hire a pest control service that sends a freelance rep to your home to handle your pest issues.
  • You hire a social media marketing company that outsources your daily management to a freelancer or another agency.
  • You buy a digital download from a company that originally licensed the content from a freelancer.

So what exactly is drop servicing, how does it work, and how can you get started? We’ll answer these questions and more in this guide.

What is drop servicing?

Drop servicing, often referred to as service arbitrage or white labeling, is a business model where a company sells services to clients and then outsources the actual work to freelancers or agencies at a lower cost.

For instance, if you own a graphic design firm and sell branding packages for $3,000, you might hire a freelancer to complete the package for $2,000, thus earning a $1,000 profit per transaction.

This approach involves acting as the main point of contact for clients while the outsourced partners do the work behind the scenes. Some drop servicers disclose this practice to clients, while others choose to keep it confidential.

How does drop servicing work?

Drop servicing involves a series of steps where you offer a specific service, outsource the work to skilled freelancers, and manage the project from start to finish.

To illustrate this process, here’s a simplified breakdown using the example of a drop service business in web development:

StepActionWeb Development Example
1. Identify serviceDecide on a service to offer.Choosing to provide website development services.
2. Source talentFind skilled freelancers for the work.Hiring web developers from platforms like Upwork or Freelancer.
3. Attract clientsMarket your service to potential clients.Using LinkedIn to reach businesses needing web development.
4. Set pricingEstablish your pricing, factoring in costs and profit.Charging clients $2,000 for a website, while paying the developer $1,200.
5. Coordinate projectsManage the project, ensuring client and freelancer needs are met.Communicating client requirements and deadlines to the developer.
6. Finalize and reviewDeliver the completed project to the client and obtain feedback.Presenting the finished website to the client and asking for their assessment.

In this table, each step of the drop servicing model is outlined, showing how you would navigate the business from selecting a profitable service to delivering the final project. This approach offers a clear view of the operational flow in a drop service business.

Benefits of drop servicing

Drop servicing offers a variety of advantages to those who pursue it. Some of its key benefits include:

Low startup costs

Starting a drop servicing business is light on expenses. The main outlays are for creating a website and marketing. If you’re up for it, crafting the website yourself can further trim down costs.

Consistent client base

The beauty of drop servicing lies in its enduring appeal. Unlike physical products that might fade in popularity, digital services remain consistently in demand. Quality work ensures a loyal and recurring customer base.

Work anywhere flexibility

With drop servicing, your office is wherever you choose it to be. Whether it’s from the comfort of your home, your favorite coffee shop, or halfway across the world, all you need is an internet connection to run your business.

No expert skills required

You don’t need to be an expert in the services you offer. Your role is connecting clients with skilled freelancers. While understanding your service offerings is beneficial, it’s not essential for success in this business model.

Smooth operations

Drop servicing sidesteps the complexities of handling physical goods. There are no concerns about shipping, delivery, or returns. Your focus stays on managing online services and client relationships, simplifying your business operations.

Difference between dropshipping and drop servicing

There’s a lot of overlap between dropshipping and drop servicing. While both strategies involve partnering with another individual or company to fulfill client orders, there are fundamental differences between the two.

Dropshipping is a popular and affordable business model that lets you sell physical products without managing your own inventory. The suppliers you work with store, pack, and ship the items directly to your customers. 

Drop servicing, on the other hand, involves the sale of services like copywriting, graphic design, and social media management. However, you don’t provide these services yourself, but rather hire freelancers to do the work. That work is then sent to your clients. 

So the main difference between dropshipping and drop servicing is that one involves the sale of goods, while the other deals with the provision of services.

Another difference relates to the amount of competition on the market. Since drop servicing is a relatively new business model, the market isn’t as saturated. That said, it can be difficult to find reliable service providers who deliver quality work and meet client expectations consistently.

You’ll need to invest time and effort in vetting potential freelancers, checking their portfolios, and possibly running test projects to ensure they align with the high standards your drop servicing business aims to uphold.

5 drop service business ideas

Just as you can dropship a vast range of physical products, you can drop service a wide variety of services.

Options include:

1. Video production and editing

The video editing and production niche is an excellent drop servicing opportunity because of its high demand across various industries.

From businesses needing polished corporate videos to content creators seeking engaging social media content, the scope is vast.

Partner with skilled video producers and editors via platforms like Upwork and PeoplePerHour. You then can create high-quality video content for businesses.

2. Local search engine optimization

Local search engine optimization (local SEO) is a powerful tool for businesses—especially small and local ones—to attract nearby customers. 

It involves tailoring a website’s content and keywords to rank higher in local search results.

Consider partnering with SEO experts who specialize in local optimization. By doing this, you can start a drop servicing business focused on local SEO.

3. WordPress customization

Many websites run on WordPress and constantly need customization.

You can cater to this need by offering services like theme adjustments, layout changes, and custom feature integrations.

Consider partnering with seasoned WordPress professionals. They bring expertise in detailed customizations and can significantly boost site performance.

4. Podcast production

In an era where text-based content is becoming less consumed and less popular, businesses are actively seeking alternative avenues to connect with their audience.

Interestingly, podcasting is emerging as a powerful tool for creating appealing and immersive content that engages people on a deeper level.

As a drop servicing entrepreneur, you can leverage this trend by offering podcast production services. Find freelancers specializing in different aspects of podcast production (like planning, editing, and distribution), and then launch your own podcast production business.

5. LinkedIn lead generation

LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B leads. However, it requires specialized knowledge and expertise that many businesses lack in-house.

You can capitalize on this opportunity by teaming up with individuals skilled in LinkedIn lead generation.

Create a special offer to attract clients and leverage the expertise of your subcontractors to deliver top-notch LinkedIn lead generation services.

How to start a drop servicing business

Unsure how to get your drop servicing business off the ground? We have you covered.

1. Choose your niche

First things first: What service will your business be built on? As we discussed earlier, there are tons of options. In many cases, your creativity is your limit.

If there’s no immediate drop service niche that sticks out to you, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are there any ideas that I already have knowledge and expertise around?
  • If not, which idea seems the most feasible or interesting to learn?
  • Which ideas seem the simplest to build and execute?
  • Which ideas seem to have the highest demand or need in the market?
  • Which ideas might bring my company the highest profit margins?

There are a lot of paths you can take when choosing a niche. Consider what means the most to you and use that as a foundation.

2. Find and train your team of service providers

This might seem like an easy step, but it’s important to choose your team carefully. They’re going to be the lifeblood of your drop servicing business, after all.

Consider creating a checklist for when you interview and evaluate candidates for your drop servicing team:

  • What’s their experience level with the service you’d like to provide? Ask for examples.
  • How much training will be required until they can operate based on your expectations and standards?
  • Will they be reliable and submit their work on time?
  • Are they easy to communicate and work with?
  • Do they live in another region that creates a significant time difference? Will that be an issue for getting projects done?

You can try searching on freelance marketplace websites like Fiverr, 99designs, Upwork, Guru, FlexJobs, and FreeUp

Once you’ve narrowed down some good candidates, give them a test project to see how they perform.

3. Build your brand and bring it to life

Once you have a game plan and a solid team, it’s time to build your company. If you plan to get clients online, the most important order of business is your online presence.

Your website is the most important element—though you should also consider creating and managing social media profiles.

There are plenty of website builders to choose from, like Shopify, Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace. Many offer a free trial so you can start building your website before you make the financial commitment.

Include these elements on your website and other branding materials:

  • A custom logo that captures the tone and personality of your brand
  • Background on your brand, why you do what you do, and what makes you the best choice
  • A description of your services and what clients will get from each (you can choose to list your prices or save that part for sales calls)
  • If you want to take the ecommerce route, list your prices and choose an ecommerce-friendly website builder that allows you to accept online payments.

4. Attract customers with marketing

Marketing is a critical aspect of any business. There’s no point in having an incredible brand and website if nobody sees it, right?

You have a lot of options when it comes to building your company’s reputation, landing new clients, and keeping old clients. Here are a few:

  • Referral marketing. Possibly one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. Start a referral program that encourages existing customers to refer more clients.
  • Content marketing. Invest in multimedia content like blogs, videos, emails, graphics, ebooks, and even a podcast to educate, entertain, and build brand awareness.
  • Social media marketing. Is your target audience on social media? Find out which platforms they’re on, then create a specialized content plan to engage them on those channels.

5. Make your first sale … and keep going!

Some say there’s no feeling like your first sale. It may come easily, or it may be hard. No matter how it works out, the name of the game is to stay dedicated and don’t give up.

As you have more interactions and conversations with potential clients, you’ll learn things you should and shouldn’t do.

Pay close attention to what these leads and clients are saying. Is your price too high? Are you missing a key detail that everyone is expecting? Does your competitor have a strong reputation for you to keep up with?

Drop servicing is a completely legal business activity. However, it’s a good idea to check which services you can actually provide in the state where you’re starting your business. There may be some restrictions on how services are provided or the kind of certifications you may need.  

It’s also a good idea to research your tax responsibilities before starting a drop servicing business. You may find that you need to file specific tax return documents each year to stay above board in the government’s eyes.

To ensure your drop servicing company stays out of trouble:

  • Draft terms and conditions to ensure your clients are aware of the capacity in which they’ll receive the services
  • Know your tax and VAT rules when it comes to offering “contractor” services
  • Ensure you have the right insurance to protect against things like personal indemnity

Is drop servicing profitable?

Drop servicing can be very profitable, if you offer the right services—such as ones that are frequently required. For instance, copyediting is a service that many website owners demand monthly. That said, your actual profits will depend on the pricing tactics you use for your services.

Ideally, you should charge two to four times more than what you pay your service provider. This means if you pay a contractor $5 for a project, you charge the end user $10 to $20. This way, you also get room to cover any marketing costs incurred in attracting new customers.

You can research other companies providing the same services as you to determine a typical price range. As your reputation grows, you may be able to charge more for your services.

How much does it cost to start a drop servicing business?

The cost of starting a drop servicing business will vary depending on how you approach it. However, it’s usually very affordable to start due to the nature of the business. Typical costs include:

  • The price of your website. You’ll have a monthly fee to pay each month for your website, hosting provider, domain name, and any other digital running costs. 
  • Freelancer costs. The price your freelancers charge for completing a task. 
  • Marketing fees. The price of advertising your services through email, content production, SEO, PPC, and social media ad campaigns.
  • Other business running costs. For example, the price of using your spare room at home as an office or the cost of printing or stationary equipment.

Drop servicing isn’t easy, but it’s rewarding!

You might hear gurus tell you that drop servicing will make you millions overnight. While this isn’t true, there’s some truth to it—if you work hard, plan strategically, and have a willingness to grow with your business, you can have massive opportunities for profit.

Make sure you’re always listening to the people and companies around you. They’ll have valuable insights to apply to your business, and you’ll continue to learn every day.